The origin story of Nootropics Department starts with its two founders being in a similar position to many of our customers right now: two aspiring young guys, trying to gain as much ground over the competition as they possibly can. Since this is a long one, we'll spare you the build up- we found out what nootropics were, were blown away at what we heard they could do, and we went all in.
We tried every nootropic supplement available to us. Any product you can think of- we tried it. We were expecting to get what we paid for. We thought it was going to be like the movie Limitless. But as you could guess... it wasn't. There was no crazy focus, no photographic memory, no lighting fast thoughts, or light bulb moment. The results we were met with were so unbelievably contrary to our expectations that for a second, we actually considered if there was some kind of prank going on. How could it be possible that every single time we feel nothing?- I said to my partner. We weren’t well off either, and these supplements were expensive, but after a handful of disappointments, we decided we were going to double down and keep trying. “There’s gotta be one that works, we just have to pick the right one”, I remember thinking. Well, as you could imagine, since we’re writing this as our own nootropics company, we were wrong. Nothing we tried worked at anything except draining our wallet.
After spending an irresponsible amount of money, and an inconceivable amount of mental energy, we decided to switch our role from customers, to investigators. We were going to find out: was the entire concept of nootropics a giant fantasy? Or was everybody doing something wrong? It became our mission to find out
In 6 months, we went from novice to nerd. dominated our search history. We were able to explain the pharmacology behind any compound like you could sing the alphabet. We broke down every single ingredient in every product from every nootropic brand, and studied up. Not only did we read every study out there, and every scientific explanation we could find, but we tested them ourselves.
This is where we reached our turning point- we were long passed the goal of investigation, our new mission became building the perfect formula. What combination of compounds, at exactly what dosage, could be our superhuman fuel? How can we take our new knowledge and leverage it into a perfect formula that nobody else had, and propel us ahead of everybody else? We never imagined we would sell it as a product, the initial lore for us was the idea of having this secret esoteric cheat code that nobody else had figured out, and the logistical advantages it would provide. Every competitor, in both professional settings and hobbies, didn’t have what we had. We could outperform them and get the edge, and they wouldn’t have any idea what was going on, other than them being surpassed. It was like a super power.
But then we had our light bulb moment. How much easier would it have been if we could have just bought this formula in the form of a product, and experienced all these benefits, without having to do countless hours of research, and more trial and error than you could imagine?
SUBJECT TO CHANGE It didn't take long for us to imagine
And that is why you will never find better products than ours
Price Per Serving
The mean cost-per-serving of our top competitors is $3.40, which means Brain Power cost 2.93x less than the competition, on average. This is in spite of Brain Power having the best dosages on the market, as you will see below.
Brain Power- $1.16
Alpha Brain- $2.33
Qualia Mind- $6.31
Alpha Brain Black Label- $6.26
Thesis- $4.96
Hunter Evolve Focus- $3.00
Avantera Elevate- $2.09
Vyvamind- $2.30
Nooceptin- $2.30
MindLabPro- $2.30
Thorne memoractiv- $2.16
Lion's Mane
Our dosage of Lion's Mane vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 467.86 MG, which means Brain Power's dosage of Lion's Mane is 5.34x higher than the average of our competitors.
Brain Power- 2,500 MG
Alpha Brain Black Label- 500 MG
MindLabPro- 500 MG
Thesis (Clarity)- 500 MG
MUDWTR Morning Ritual- 525 MG
Nooceptin- 400 MG
Hunter Evolve Focus- 500 MG
Aventera Elevate- ≤ 355 MG *
Our dosage of Bacopa vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 162.5 MG, which means Brain Power's dosage of Bacopa is 2.46x higher than the average of our competitors.
Brain Power- 400 MG
Alpha Brain- 100 MG
MindLabPro- 150 MG
Kino Brain- 150 MG
NooCube- 250 MG
Jocko Go- 300 MG
Qualia Mind- 300 MG
Thorne Memoractiv- 100 MG
Nooceptin- 150 MG
Ginkgo Biloba
Our dosage of Ginkgo Biloba vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 127.5 MG, which means Brain Power's dosage of Ginkgo Biloba is 2.82x higher than the average of our competitors.
Brain Power- 360 MG
Cortigon Umzu- 100 MG
Qualia Mind- 50 MG
Thorne Memoractiv- 240 MG
Hunter Evolve Focus- 120 MG
Rhodiola Rosea
Our dosage of Rhodiola Rosea vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 137.5 MG, which means Brain Power's dosage of Rhodiola Rosea is 2.18x higher than the average of our competitors.
Brain Power- 300 MG
MindLabPro- 50 MG
Nooceptin- 150 MG
Qualia Mind- 300 MG
Hunter Evolve Focus- 50 MG
Price Per Serving
The mean cost-per-serving of our top competitors is $3.40, which means Genius Potion cost 2.93x less than the competition, on average. This is in spite of Genius Potion having the best dosages on the market, as you will see below.
Genius Potion- $1.16
Alpha Brain- $2.33
Qualia Mind- $6.31
Alpha Brain Black Label- $6.26
Thesis- $4.96
Hunter Evolve Focus- $3.00
Avantera Elevate- $2.09
Vyvamind- $2.30
Nooceptin- $2.30
MindLabPro- $2.30
Thorne memoractiv- $2.16
Our dosage of L-Theanine vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 130 MG, which means Genius Potion's dosage of L-Theanine is 3.08x higher than the average of our competitors.
Genius Potion- 400 MG
Jocko Go- 60 MG
Alpha Brain Black Label- 100 MG
MindLabPro- 100 MG
NooCube- 100 MG
Thesis (all formulas)- 200 MG
Qualia Mind- 200 MG
Vyvamind- 150 MG
Our dosage of L-Tyrosine vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 350 MG, which means Genius Potion's dosage of L-Tyrosine is 5.71x higher than the average of our competitors.
Genius Potion- 2,000 MG
Kino Brain- 325 MG
NooCube- 250 MG
Alpha Brain- >650 MG *
Vyvamind- 300 MG
Hunter Evolve Focus- 500 MG
MindLabPro- 175 MG**
Qualia Mind - 250 MG**
*L-Tyrosine is featured at an undisclosed amount in a proprietary blend comprised of 650 MG total
** L-Tyrosine is in a different form (N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine)
Our dosage of Alpha GPC vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 133 MG, which means Genius Potion's dosage of Alpha-GPC is 4.51x higher than the average of our competitors.
Genius Potion- 600 MG
Thesis (Creativity)- 150 MG
Jocko Go- 100 MG
Alpha Brain- 100 MG*
Qualia Mind- 200 MG
NooCube- 50 MG
Ghost Energy- 200 MG
Our dosage of Huperzine-A vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 187.5 MG, which means Genius Potion's dosage of Huperzine-A is 1.06x higher than the average of our competitors.
Genius Potion- 200 MCG
Qualia Mind- 50 MCG
Noocube- 100 MCG
Alpha Brain Black Label- 200 MCG
Alpha Brain- 400 MCG*
Our dosage of DL-Phenylalanine vs the field. The mean dosage of our competitors is 300 MG, which means Genius Potion's dosage of Dl-Phenylalanine is 3.33x higher than the average of our competitors.
Genius Potion- 1,000 MG
Qualia Mind- 300 MG